Sunday, September 30, 2012

Universal Brotherhood
Wow, Dr Zakir Naik dtg semalam ke UiTM Shah Alam. Aku tak dapat duduk dalam, duk luar pun cukuplah. Takpe, ada hikmah disebalik setiap perkara. Malam yang amat cerah, tak hujan, bulan full. Mula-mula anak dia bagi talk. Um, tak pasti namanya. Aku tak ada masa tu, pegi makan dan solat Isyak dulu. Ni notes sikit aku tulis dalam gelap sambil duduk kat padang tu. Tak la gelap sangat, cuma masa tulis tu susah sikit. Tak dapat semua point atau ejaan mungkin salah. Maaf dipinta, k?

Women's Right
People always said women in Islam have no equal right and status with men. Punishment in Islam was made similar. As example, hurting others can be hurt back similarly, no matter the one commit the crime men or women. An eye for an eye, a hand for a hand.

Example: In examination. There are 2 students who both get 80% and get number 1 in the class.

 Student A have advantage over Student B in question 1. While Student B have advantage over student A in question 2. But both of them still get same result. Both came first in class.

They have advantages over each other in certain aspects, but as a whole still have same result.

Main Speaker : Dr Zakir Naik Presiden of IRF
Universal Brotherhood

Quran (49:13) Differences to identify each other, not despise each other.
Quran (17:70)

Some religions have similar belief in 2 human that mark beginning of humankind. But also blame the women counterpart for human is born in sin. Islam doesn't blame and reject idea of human born in sin. All babies are innocent.

Hadith: 3 times respect mother before father.

Men are given advantages, strength more over women and they are responsible to protect women.

Allah the Almighty God for all human, black or white, regardless of places, races.

Quran (An-Nass:1) Lord of all human being
Quran (5:32) universal brotherhood

Zakat and charity can eradicate poverty if applied by everyone. No one will die of hunger on this earth.

Quran (Al-Maun: 77) if provide neighbor needs, its promote brotherhood

Quran (17:26-27) spendthrift discourage brotherhood
Bribing, alcohol, gambling = disrupting brotherhood.
Do not backbite. Are you willing to eat the dead meat of your brother? Even cannibal didn't eat their own brother's meat. Show how bad to backbite, talk bad about others behind them.

In Islam, promote Universal Brotherhood during solat jamaah. Have shoulder meet shoulders. During Hajj, can't differentiate king and peasant, rich and poor.

But the most important point for universal Brotherhood: There is only One God.

We should talk about what common between us. Ignore, talk about differences tomorrow. See that religion from the holy scriptures said there is only One God to be worshiped. This will solve most problem and promote Universal Brotherhood.

Learned Hindu said should only worship One God.
majority normal Hindu apply polytheism. so they may say believe in from 3, 4 to hundred gods. they believe everything is gods.
Muslim reject believe of everything is god, rather everything is God's. Own by him.

If we solve the differences of this apostrophe, then we will be united. Muslim and Hindu became brother.

Hindu Transcipt
I have no knowledge about this, nor I hear well the names. So the references mostly not perfect, but it is the meaning from context i understand that i wrote down whenever  I can.

6:9 God has not mother, no superior.
Materialistic worship demi-god.
God Imageless and pure
 They enter darkness deeper if  worship natural thing (fire water etc)

Have no less than 33 characteristic of God. some of them:

Hindu       Arab   Meaning
Brahma    Khaliq Creator
Visha        Rabb   Sustainer/Cherisher

Muslim has no problem with it being characteristics of God. But strongly disagree when it is a form/image reference. [No image, no sculpture, no idolatry]

old testament
(43:11) Ever I am Lord and there is no savior beside Me. dont worship other as i am jealous God.

understand this similarity [one God concept] improve brotherhood with hinduism and jews.

Common is a lot about Jesus. But difference in claimed divinity of Jesus. No single verse Jesus pbuh said "I am God". He never claimed it.

In bible, to enter heaven 1. become better than jews, 2. keep all commandments.

Mark (12:79) Your Lord is One God.

Help increase Muslim brotherhood with with Christians, Hinduism and Jews.

Theology/Definition of God
Quran (Al-Ikhlas : 1-4)
If you want to call a God as Allah, must fulfill these 4 conditions/verses. This is the test.

A person was considered a God. Author:I wasn't sure his exact name. So let's test him.
1: A lot of people claimed to be God, not him only.
3: He was born, have mother and father. 1991 he goes to America ... He claimed he was given slow poisoning. ... ... He was said to visited earth during those time. But, they forgot to mention he have Visa. he required Visa....
4. Was said to be 1000 times stronger than strong men on that time. Comparison was able to made.

That person didn't fulfill the conditions. So not accepted.

Quran (17:110)

Can call Allah by many names, but be beautiful names.

We prefer to use Allah as Almighty God name because it is a unique word in Arab. The word God in english can be changed meaning easily, can be abused. Add s, become gods as plural, many god. add other word in front change it more. in games, the ever popular godlike phrase...

God is not the most appropriate translation of Allah.

But, in Quran was  said: "Do not abuse or degrade other worshiped, as they will do the same." This bring everyone under same umbrella, the same Universal Brotherhood of from same 2 human origin, created by same and only Allah, the almighty God.

Meaning brother of faith.not just vertical, but also horizontal.
  • Believer on all this world at present = vertical
  • in the past and future = horizontal
If we love <3 more other thing (family, business)  than Allah and jihad, it can easily be taken away.

Brotherhood of Faith is more important than blood relations.
Example: Noah said to his son, "There will be blood." God promised Noah to save his family. but the son didn't believe. When the rain start falling, Noah asked that son to come up into the arc. but he choose to go to the highest mountain there. the flood still reach him there, so he finally asked help. Noah asked God to save him. But Allah said, "He is not among family." Noah pbuh asked for forgiveness as he doesn't know.

Quran(Maryam:114) You can't pray for a Musyrik
Quran(66:11) Wife of Pharaoh exchange richest person in the world for a mansion in Jannah close to Allah.

Conclusion: Quran (4:??) Has created you from single person...

Some info I gain from Q/A session
1.Hindu has two references: Shati and Spriti. One as words of god and other written by man. What was from lower can't overrule higher scripture.ignore the contradiction as comparative religion study for peace and common.
Hindu was called (given name as Hindu/Hindi) by Arabs.

2,Sep 11
-"Loose Chain" documentary
-Maker of WTC said fuel of plane impossible to melt the building.

I condemn the killing hundreds of American in Sep 11, they happy. I condemn other bombing, people happy. But when I mention the thousands innocents people died in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, they are not happy. They banned me from entering the country.   (Zakir Naik)

If I say Man, can involve women.
If I say Women, can never involve Men.

5. From Quran, 4 statements:
  • Can marry Ahli Kitab/People of the book women
  • Don't marry idoltraus until they believe (regardless of gender)
  • Don't marry those said "Jesus is begotten son of God."
  • there are mu'min among the ahli kitab
People of the Book refer to Jesus & Christianity. Opinion by hundreds imminent  Islamic Scholars.

6. "History makes it clear that myth of fanatics Muslim spreading Islam on the tip of the sword is the most absurd, fantastic myth Historian ever repeated." De Lacy O'Leary

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